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My Everything - Seth & Amber Page 19

  A frustrated moan escapes her mouth as she closes her eyes. Her head falls back against the wall as she focuses solely on the tingling ache that the exquisite pressure and friction his stiff shaft is causing as it rubs against the neediest part of her. Her hips move in a sensual motion as she grinds her swollen sex against his rigid erection.

  Amber feels her chest rising and falling at a rapid speed. Her heart beat quickens. She licks her lips and they part as her breathing deepens.

  “Open your eyes,” Seth harshly commands.

  Immediately her eyes open and she lifts her head, her body instantly responding to his virile power.

  She finds his gaze, now dark with passion. “Keep them open. I want you looking at me when you come.”

  His bold words cause a thrill to run down her spine. Her hands knot in the hair at the base of his neck as a feverish rush spreads through her, electrifying every single nerve ending in her body. Instinctively her hips grind harder against him as the broad head of his sex erotically strokes her pleasure button. Her climax feels so close as tremors race through her.

  “Please,” she begs seeking release from his sensual torment.

  Stepping out, his legs spread farther apart. His strong muscled thighs brace her up, pinning her against the flat surface of the wall. His strong hands tilt her pelvis slightly and the new position causes even more intimate contact.

  One hand curves farther around her hip as he kneads her firm flesh. His other hand skims her waist as his fingers travel up her torso. He cups her full breast in his hot palm, rolling her pebble-hard nipples between his fingers as her breathing becomes choppy. The pleasure building inside of her becoming unbearable as a roaring urgency pulses through her.

  His eyes are glowed with a primal inner fire as heat radiates off his body as he asks, “Do you want to come?”

  “Yes,” Amber says with a shuddering breath.

  A knowing look flashes in his eyes as his long, thick fingers squeeze around her luscious mound. He bends his head. His hot, wet mouth covering the tip of her breast. The suctioning swirl of his tongue around her beaded knot of flesh sends a sweet shock of pleasure directly to her core.

  “Seth,” his name a desperate plea on her lips.

  His teeth graze over her taut nipple, biting softly before stroking his tongue across her ultra-sensitized peak. After lavishing attention on one breast he quickly moves to the other, alternating his sensual assault on her senses.

  “Oh, yes. Yes,” even to her own ears her encouraging words are raspy with need.

  She can feel his length pulsing with need as it presses against the wet warmth of her sex. She wants more. She wants him inside of her. She needs to feel him embedded deep in her body.

  “Seth, I need you,” desperation permeates her voice, “Please Seth.”

  “Amber,” his voice sounds far away.

  She tightens her fingers around his hair and thrusts her chest into his mouth. But, she can’t feel his lips or tongue on her.

  “Amber,” his voice sounds louder as her body begins shaking.

  She closes her eyes trying to pull herself over the edge. She is so close if he would just keep licking her. Touching her. Why did he stop?

  She opens her eyes and as they focus she sees Seth up sitting beside her.

  Why isn’t she against the wall? She shuts her eyes again, squeezing them tight as she wills herself to be back up against the wall.

  “Amber,” concern, not passion, laced Seth’s raised voice.

  Amber’s heart still raced as she opened her eyes once again. Deciding to take a different route and not look up because she knew what she would see, she looked down and saw that she was fully clothed and lying on Seth’s couch. She moved her head to the side and realized that he sat beside her in black sweats and a white shirt. As her eyes traveled up his body to his face she noticed a line between his eyes where his brow furrowed.

  Then the realization of the dream she had just been having hit her like a thunderbolt.

  Oh, crap!

  She scanned Seth’s face as he loomed over her. His face was etched with worry. She knew from the intense look in his eye that, he would probably want a few answers about her nocturnal behavior.

  Her stomach dropped. She wanted to sink into this couch and hide. Why did she have to have that dream? Here? Tonight? And if she did have to dream why couldn’t this be like Nightmare on Elm Street, where Freddy Cougar could pull her down through the couch cushions with his razor sharp claw hand? Even that would be preferable to facing Seth while he wore the expression that was on his face right now.

  Amber sat up slightly, attempting to gain some measure of equal footing in the impending verbal exchange. Or, you know, at least to feel slightly less vulnerable. She ran her hands over her hair, smoothing it down as she smiled weakly. She swallowed hard and took a deep breath.

  Hating awkward silences (especially ones following her being caught having a sexay-time dream) and not knowing what else to say, she went with, “Hey.”

  Seth’s jaw twitched. He did not look like a happy camper. Oh, boy.


  Seth tried to calm his heart as it hammered hard against his ribs. When he had heard Amber calling his name, saying she needed him, something had come over him that he was not used to feeling. Panic.

  He ran out of his room, expecting to see her in danger. Hurt. Not tossing and turning in a fitful state of sleep.

  But now Amber was awake. She was sitting up. She was speaking.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “Yep,” she said as her lips turned up into a tight smile.

  She looked unsettled. Not upset exactly but not…okay.

  He stared into her eyes to search for a clue as to what could have upset her. She could be upset about the break-ins. She could have been having a bad dream.

  Her eyebrows raised and her eyes widened as she looked at him asking, “What?”

  “Did you have a bad dream?”

  “Nope,” she said, shaking her head as a rose-colored blush crept up her cheeks.

  His eyes narrowed as he continued staring at her. He understood if she didn’t want to talk about it, but he hated the idea of her being scared or upset, even if it was just in her dreams.

  “Amber…” he hesitated, knowing better than most what it felt like to not want to talk about something.

  Her lips pursed, and her face was pasted into what was – if he was not mistaken – a very deliberate mask of neutrality. “Hmmm”

  “You can talk to me,” he stated simply.

  “I’m good,” she shot back quickly, pulling the light blanket that was covering her legs up to her waist. The movement caused his eyes to dart down and he noticed that her nipples were hard beneath her thin pink tank top.

  His gaze traveled back up to her face and he noticed that the flush was deeper than it had been just a moment ago. Her lips were full and her breathing was choppy. She looked…turned on.

  Amber pulled the blanket up even farther and licked her lips nervously as she looked down. A stray piece of hair fell across her forehead. He lifted his hand and, as he brushed it back, his fingers skimmed her soft skin.

  He heard a catch in her breath as she looked up at him through long, inky lashes. Her green-flecked golden eyes were shimmering in the rays of moonlight shining through the window. God, she was so beautiful.

  He shouldn’t ask. He should stand up. He should go back in his room.

  He didn’t.

  “Did you have a sex dream?” he asked.

  “Yep,” she nodded. He had never met a woman as straightforward as she was. He found it incredibly hot.

  “About me?” he clarified.

  “Yep,” she repeated, sounding none too happy about her admission, but nevertheless, not backing down.

  His groin hardened instantly.

  “Is this the first one you’ve had?” It shouldn’t matter. Why was he torturing himself?

  A strangled laugh left her li
ps, “No.”

  He could feel his nostrils flare as he asked, “Do you have them often?”

  “Define oft…” Her hand waved dismissively, “Oh screw it. Yes I have them often. Okay. There.” Her head tilted in challenge. She crossed her arms below her below her breasts causing them to push up into mouthwatering mounds.

  As he stared down at her chest he said, “We can’t be together.”

  “You’ve made that clear,” her tone was flat.

  He turned away from her so that his elbows were resting on his knees. His heart rate was speeding up, but it had nothing to do with fear. This was an entirely different kind of adrenaline coursing through his veins. He flexed his hands as his body strung tight with need. “What happens?”

  “Umm, I guess we’ll be friends...?” she sounded unsure.

  He turned back to her, his voice raw and rasping. “In your dreams. What happens in your dreams?”

  She didn’t answer him right away. He waited.

  Licking her lips he saw that her eyes were filled with a little nervousness and maybe a little excitement. “Mostly they are just a replay of that night. Sometimes it starts at the beginning, sometimes it starts in the middle.” She shrugged. “Usually I wake up before the good parts.”

  “The good parts,” he repeated.

  “Yeah, I’ve basically had dreams filled with foreplay for eight years,” she said with frustration filling her voice. “It’s been good times.”

  “What do you do?”

  A look of confusion fell over her face.

  “When you wake up?”

  Her lips formed a circle as she breathed, “Oh.”

  A small seductive smile played on her lips. He waited.

  She didn’t say anything, just kept staring at him, her eyes sparked with arousal. He held himself absolutely still with barely-controlled restraint.

  “Amber,” he growled.

  “What?” she asked faux-innocently.

  He stared at her. A stare that had broken assassins, terrorists, traitors.

  She just smiled.

  --- ~ ---

  Her stomach felt like it was the inside of a dryer, tumbling over and over again. Not from embarrassment. She knew that a lot of girls might be really embarrassed in her situation. But she wasn’t most girls. She did feel a little nervous but it was more of an oh-I-can’t-wait-to-see-what-happens-next kind of heightened anticipation than a true state of nervous embarrassment.

  Amber’s pulse quickened at his line of questioning. She knew exactly what he was asking. But no way was she gonna let him off that easy. If he wanted details he was going to have to come right out and ask her for them. She smirked. She would love to see what effect her answers might have on Mr. We Can’t Be Together.

  Seth’s shirt pulled taut across his back as he sat beside her. She shamelessly took in the powerful line of his shoulders. She felt a fluttering of tingles deep in her core. Her eyes followed the slope of his shoulder, over his bulging bicep, down his strong, muscled forearms to his large, capable hands. She knew what those callused, work-worn hands felt like on her body. She knew the kind of out-of-this-world pleasure those hands could give her.

  As she stared at his thick fingers, she could still feel the heat of his potent stare on her. She lifted her head and took just a moment to appreciate how unbelievably sexy Seth Sloan was. The contrast between his compelling blue eyes and jet black hair, his smooth olive-tone skin, his strong and firm features all combined to create a classically handsome face. When you added to that his physical perfection the air of confidence and authority he embodied, the effect was pure, unadulterated sexuality.

  Tonight, when they had slow danced, she had felt truly alive, for maybe the first time in her life. Her body, mind and soul had experienced an awakening the likes of which she had never before experienced. The closest she had ever come to that feeling of euphoria in the past were, first, the night with Seth in DC, and, second, the night she had gotten on the back of his bike here in Harper’s Crossing.

  Tonight, as she had swayed in his arms, her body pressed tightly against his muscular form, she had felt so safe, so protected, that she could just…be.

  To have the kind of passion that they shared in addition to the safety and comfort he made her feel, multiplied by the fact that she was one hundred percent certain that she was in love with him, equaled a once-in-a-lifetime connection.

  Seth may not know how to deal with what was happening between them, but she had seen in his eyes that he cared for her. She had certainly felt that he was physically attracted to her. And his actions had shown her that he wanted to protect her. He had gone out of his way – more than once, as a matter of fact – to make sure that she was safe and taken care of.

  Amber was logical, pragmatic. She knew that he was holding back. She knew that since he was holding back, he had a good reason. She wasn’t going to push him about being in any kind of a committed relationship.

  She was a patient girl. It may take some time, but she had faith in him and his ability to realize how special what they shared was. He had never given her any reason to doubt him.

  But, as far as their physical relationship went...well, between the erotic dreams and the slow dancing, the bike rides, and the self-defense class – not to mention a near-constant stream of smolderingly intense shared stares – she was at her breaking point. So, what the hell. If she needed take the necessary action to tip things in her favor, then so be it.

  “Did you want to know something, Seth?” she asked, knowing full well that he might be planning on sitting there quietly, brooding in sexual frustration all night. She, however, had other plans.

  His eyes flickered with either passion or irritation before he turned away. It was hard to tell with Seth. Could be either. Probably a little of both. Since it was a toss-up, really, she decided to proceed on the assumption that it was passion. A tortured passion, but still.

  His head dropped down, he looked at his hands as they flexed. The innocent gesture sent a thrum of delight zinging down her spine. Hmmm, who knew someone flexing their hands could be so hot? Her body responded with acute awareness.

  “Seth?” his name sounded like a question on her lips as need threaded her voice.

  When he looked back at her, his stare was not one of torture, indecision or confusion. Rather, it was one of power and command.

  “I want you.”

  Those three little words caused both her heart and her lady parts to instantly flood with excitement.

  “Okay,” she managed to say hoarsely.

  His electrifying eyes were dark with passion, in stark contrast to his tone, which was steady and even as he said, “I need you.”

  Even better.


  “This won’t change anything,” Seth firmly stated.

  She knew he meant it. He believed what he was saying.


  She would pretty much agree to anything if it meant that he would touch her, kiss her, take her to places that only he could. Her breathing was deep and shallow. Her sex pulsed with need. She tingled in anticipation.

  Seth remained perfectly still, seemingly unaffected by the same overwhelming lust that was crashing over her in waves, one right after the other. She knew that she couldn’t rush him. She had learned that lesson during the one magical night they had spent together. She had also learned that whatever he had in store for them would be well worth the wait.

  After either several seconds or several minutes (she couldn’t really say in her lust-fogged state), he stood slowly. Deliberately. His hand reached down to her, but did not touch her. He pulled the light throw blanket that she had been using to cover herself off of her in one quick and efficient movement.

  As soon as the cool air hit her bare legs goose bumps broke out on her skin. Amber shivered, both from the temperature and from the look in Seth’s hungry eyes as his gaze raked down her body. His predatory perusal felt erotically charged.

  She lay
before him in a pink tank top and black lace panties. Nothing else. Her heart pounded hard at the promise of what was to come. She looked down to see if her hammering heartbeat was noticeable through the thin material that covered it. Nope.

  Seth moved with graceful confidence and sat beside her feet.

  She immediately missed his nearness. He felt so far away. She ached to kiss him. To touch him.

  “Take your panties off,” he smoothly commanded.

  Hello! She sat up straighter, swallowing hard. Her hands held a slight tremor as she hooked her thumbs in the lace strings at her hips. Bending her knees she slipped the soft fabric down her legs. After sliding her feet out one by one, she dropped the black undergarment to the floor.

  Somehow, sitting before him wearing only her tank top felt more intimate and exposed than if she were completely nude. It excited her. Saliva filled her mouth as she lifted her eyes to his, anxiously awaiting his next directive.

  He didn’t speak, just stared at her intensely. She couldn’t look away from him, his powerful magnetism was intoxicating. She felt a flush rise up her neck and in her cheeks. His stare alone was causing her to feel a little lightheaded.

  “How often do you have the dreams?”

  Are we seriously back on that?!


  “A couple times a week, give or take.”

  Why talk dreams when reality was so tantalizingly close? Dreams, shmeams, Amber needed to move this along!

  “Do you ever touch yourself when you wake up from them?” his tone remained calm but she noticed a muscle flick in his jaw.

  Whoa. She was having a hard time forming a response to his blunt question. The truth seemed like the best way to go.

  “Yes,” she finally breathed out an answer.

  She heard him take in an audible breath through his nose. They sat, continuing to stare at each other. The air between them was thick and alive with desire. Normally she wasn’t a huge fan of long pauses, awkward silences, but right now she couldn’t form a sentence even if she wanted to. Which she didn’t.

  “Do you think of me while you touch yourself?” he asked spacing the words out evenly.