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My Everything - Seth & Amber Page 23

  --- ~ ---

  “Yes, Seth,” Vickey said as she wheeled Amber out of the hospital’s sliding doors into the cold night air, “I am sure that she is fine. Dr. Corbin would not release her if she wasn’t.”

  Seth knew that what Vickey was saying was true, but Amber had been through a lot. Even though she had been thoroughly examined, had had tests run - including an MRI - and been cleared, Seth thought it made more sense to just keep her overnight. For observation. They had been at the hospital in the emergency room for the last four hours, what would a few more hurt?

  Amber reached up and touched his hand, her clear hazel eyes shining up at him. “I’m fine, Seth. I promise.”

  He nodded. There were red marks and a small cut across her neck. Seeing the marks on her neck made his gut clench. He should have been there. He should have kept her safe.

  After opening the door to his truck, he turned as Amber was standing up out of the wheelchair. He stepped beside her and scooped her into his arms. Her eyes widened and a smile spread across her face.

  “Oh, my,” Vickey chuckled as she fanned herself. “I do declare! Chivalry isn't dead after all.”

  Amber laughed and it was the sweetest sound he had ever heard.

  Seth gently placed her on the seat and amusement danced in her eyes. Her hand came to rest on his cheek. “I could have gotten in by myself.”

  He leaned into her touch, placing a kiss against her palm. He felt a shiver run up her arm.

  “But this is nice, too,” she said, a little breathlessly.

  A smile tugged at his lips as he closed the door and went around to the driver’s side.

  Amber rolled down the window. “Thank you so much, Vickey. See you at the wedding!”

  “Glad you’re okay, Sweetie Pie! See ya soon.” Vickey was standing at the side entrance to the hospital waving happily.

  As they drove away, Seth adjusted the heat so that she wouldn’t get cold as he said, “You don’t need to do this Amber. Jamie and Alex said they would postpone the wedding.”

  She turned to him with a look of steel determination. “That is not happening.”

  “Amber - ”

  “No, Seth. I am going to the wedding. That is not negotiable,” her tone was firm and unyielding.

  “You need to rest.”

  “Listen,” she sighed then, speaking softly, continued, “Dr. Corbin said that aside from a few scrapes and bruises, I'm one hundred percent fine. So, physically, there is no reason I can’t go. And emotionally I couldn’t think of a better way to put this horrible night behind me than to be with all my friends celebrating.”

  Seth remained quiet. He knew on some level that she was right. But he didn’t have to be happy about it.

  “You can pout all you want. I’m still going.”

  “I don’t pout,” Seth said.

  “Ummm, yeah, ya do,” she said.

  He stared straight ahead at the road in front of them.

  She pointed her finger at him declaring happily, “See, you’re doing it right now.”

  He turned and saw her eyes were filled with happiness and light. A knot that had taken up residence in his chest since Katie had told him that Amber had gone to the hospital by herself started to loosen. Amber really was okay.

  He looked back at the road and took in a deep breath. Seth didn’t know what he would have done if he had lost her.

  “I’m sorry,” he said.

  “You don’t have to apologize, but I am going to the wedding.”

  “I’m sorry because I wasn’t there tonight.”

  “You were!”

  “No. Not in time.”

  “No, I meant were there. In my head. I could hear your voice telling me to stay calm and the only reason I got away was because I did. I waited for a moment he would be distracted and I did the third move you showed us.” Amber reached over and touched his arm, “I got away because I took your self-defense class.”

  Seth didn’t know what to say to that. He was so proud of Amber for fighting back and getting away. But that asshole should have never gotten a chance to get her alone. He still should have been there.

  “So,” she said, turning and looking out the window, “I guess since you caught Bubba, you can take me home. I can get my sewing machine tomorrow.”

  “Okay,” he said still staring at the road.

  He could see her head turn towards him out of the corner of his eye. She stared at him for a minute, then laid her head back on the headrest, and quietly said, “Okay.”

  --- ~ ---

  Amber closed her eyes as disappointment washed over her. She was sore, tired, and - more than anything in the world - she just wanted to be in Seth’s arms tonight. She had not expected him to agree so quickly with the idea of her returning to her duplex. She had only suggested it because she didn’t want to overstay her welcome.

  But, then again, maybe it was good that she make a clean break. After the wedding and then the holidays were over, they probably wouldn’t be seeing too much of each other. Their paths would inevitably cross, it was a small town - but maybe it was better if she didn’t spend one more night with him.

  She had been hopeful after the night they had spent together that they did have a future. But now she thought differently. If he could just drop her off at her house after the night she had just had, then obviously she was reading too much into what she thought they had shared.

  Even though she knew she was being logical, she still couldn’t shake the feeling that she had heard him say that he loved her before she had been taken to the emergency room. But she had probably just been in shock. When she had asked the two doctors if they had heard it too, they hadn’t answered it was probably just in her head.

  She heard the clicking sound of the garage door opener and opened her eyes. They were headed into the underground parking at Seth’s apartment complex.

  She was confused. “I said I could get my stuff tomorrow.”

  He didn’t answer her.

  Okay. Let’s try this again.

  “I thought you were taking me home.”

  “I am.”

  “Okay...” She was a smart girl. She wasn’t about to argue when this is exactly where she wanted to be.

  She tried to stay logical. She didn’t want to get ahead of herself but this was definitely not a bad sign. She couldn’t help but feel a small tinge of hope.

  “Did you get to see your mom?” Seth asked as they pulled into the garage.

  “No, but the doctors told me that she requested to go back to Horizons. And this time when she goes, it will be under doctor supervision. Hopefully that will mean that she won’t be able to just check herself out.”

  Seth nodded as he got out of the truck. Amber began to gingerly step out and Seth was immediately there, helping her down. His eyes were filled with worry and concern. She didn’t want him to feel either.

  She was fine. In fact, she was more than fine. She knew where her mom was. Sure, she was in the hospital - but, at least for now, Amber knew she was safe. The person who had been harassing her was behind bars. And she was with Seth, for now.

  In this moment, she was amazing.

  Chapter Twenty-six

  As Amber removed her jacket and hung it on the hook, she heard Seth click the lock to the front door behind her. Soft lighting filtered into the room from the stars illuminating the sky. She moved to the large windows overlooking the river. The water shined as moonlight danced across its surface. It was peaceful. Beautiful.

  Her limbs suddenly began to feel heavy as she took in the breathtaking view. All of the adrenaline seemed to drain out of her at once. She kicked off her shoes and concentrated on the coolness of the hard wood floors beneath her feet, grounding her in this moment.

  Since the attack, she had basically been operating on auto pilot. Answering police officers' questions. Answering doctors' questions. Answering nurses' questions.

  It had been a long night. She was exhausted, men
tally and physically.

  She wanted to crawl up on the couch and go to sleep but before she did that she needed to take a shower. She felt dirty (and not the good kind of dirty!). She needed to wash off the smell of stale cigarettes, B.O., booze, and hospital. She took a deep breath, trying to summon the strength to move her feet towards the bathroom.

  Just as she was turning she felt herself being lifted off the floor. She gasped as Seth scooped her up and cradled her in his arms. A smile flitted across her face as she let herself luxuriate in the feeling of being held by the man she loved. In the warmth of his protective arms, she felt totally safe and loved.

  His crystal blue eyes looked down at her with a much-too-serious stare.

  “Hi,” she said softly, trying to gauge his mood.

  “Hi,” he replied, his voice low.

  Her body trembled at the sound of his husky tone.

  Realizing if she could smell the stench on herself, then he could too, she quickly explained, “I was just about to take a shower.”

  He didn’t say anything, just turned and started walking towards his bedroom, carrying her in his arms. She loved that he didn’t talk just to talk. It made the words which he did choose to speak all that much more important and special.

  Amber sighed as she snuggled into him and buried her face against his neck. She inhaled deeply and a warmth of pleasure spread through her as the scent of clean soap and rugged earthiness enveloped her senses. He smelled like…Seth.

  Tingles ran down her spine. She didn’t think she would ever get used to the potent effect that Seth’s scent had on her body. As the lovely sensation overtook her, she closed her eyes and let herself completely relax, sinking into his cushioning embrace.

  Far too soon, she felt herself being lowered to the floor. She wanted to protest the new position but she knew he couldn’t carry her around all night. As her feet hit the cold tile floor, she opened her eyes to see that she was standing in the master bathroom.

  It was amazing. The room had an almost dreamlike quality to it. There were several candles lit, steam floated through the air, and soft oldies music played from an iPod dock on the counter.

  Amber really hoped that this wasn’t another one of her sexay-time dreams. Or, if it was, then she really didn’t want to wake up anytime soon.

  Seth moved behind her and she felt her arms being lifted as he pulled her cream sweater up and over her head gently. Her eyes looked up into the mirror and her breath caught in her throat. His magnificent form framed her as his china blue eyes stared at her through the reflection.

  Her pulse sped as she watched his large hands tenderly spread across her thin waist. His thick fingers traced along the hem of her jeans. Her eyes grew heavy-lidded as he undid the button to her jeans before pulling the zipper down. His movements were steady and unhurried.

  He dipped his roughened fingers beneath her panties touching her bare skin and a zing of awareness zapped through her at his touch. He pushed her pants and underwear down in one movement, she held onto his muscled shoulder as she stepped out of them.

  He stood back up and his arms wound around her waist once again. He nestled his face to her as he held her possessively. She felt his warm breath against her neck and she sucked in a shuddering breath.

  The fabric of his jeans covering his hardened groin rubbed deliciously against her naked backside. His soft cotton shirt grazed her back as he tightened his hold on her. Amber’s dazed eyes lifted once again to take in their reflection in the mirror. She stood fully nude surrounded by Seth’s embrace. Both the visual and tactile experiences were highly erotic, causing her to quiver with need.

  Seth must have taken this as a sign that she was cold because he moved away from her then and led her to the corner of the large room where there was a large oval tub filled with steaming water.

  Oh dear God, if this is a dream, please, please can I just never wake up!

  That hot bath looked heavenly but Amber already missed the feeling of protection and safety that she had felt in Seth’s arms.

  “Are you going to join me?” she asked as she dipped her toe and stepped into the heated water.

  As she lifted her other leg over the side of the tub, Seth was already naked and stepping in behind her. The man had serious skills. He sat and she slid down between his legs. She felt his steel length pressing firmly along her back and his strong thighs rubbed against her body.

  He lifted a silver cup that sat on the edge of the tub then dipped it in the bathwater. “Lean your head back,” he instructed.

  As soon as she did, he poured the heavenly water over her, and the liquid warmth cascaded down her head and over her shoulders. He expertly repeated this several times before picking up a washcloth she hadn’t even noticed was there. He wet the rag before picking up a bar of soap and working it into the cloth until it was nice and sudsy.

  He then began running the soapy washcloth up and down her arms and over her shoulders. When he got to her neck she heard him curse under his breath as he brushed the fabric gently over her abrasions. He picked up the shiny silver cup again this time pouring it over her now soapy skin.

  She closed her eyes as she melted into his well-defined chest. She listened to the soft melodic music and reveled in the decadent pleasure of his unadulterated pampering. She felt the soft fabric on her skin again, this time just below her collar bone. A frisson of excitement raced through her as his steady hands guided the cloth down over her breasts.

  Amber watched as he rubbed the washcloth over her chest. He then set the cloth down and his hands spread across the slopes of her breasts as they enveloped her creamy suds-covered mounds. Seth gently squeezed her fullness in his large hands. Her nipples strained in tight peaks seeking his attention.

  A soft cry escaped her mouth as she shamelessly pushed her chest against his palms. She felt a deep moan vibrate in his chest as his heart pounded against her back. He continued sensually kneading her breasts still avoiding her aching nipples.

  “Touch me,” she pleaded.

  Without a moment’s hesitation, his fingers surrounded her puckering nipples. He rubbed them firmly, then rolled them between his thumb and index finger. The moisture of the water caused his touch to be even more arousing. As he tugged them with just the right amount of force, a bolt of acute pleasure shot down between her legs. Fiery, exquisite sensations radiated through her.

  Seth began peppering damp kisses up and down her neck. Her core pulsed with arousal as her hips began moving of their own accord begging for his touch. Wild passion raced through her body.

  “Seth,” she whispered her voice constricted with need.

  His mouth skimmed her jaw as he slid his hand beneath the water down her trembling belly. She parted her legs as far as she could in invitation. Lust surged through her as his hand glided over her needy flesh. He cupped his hand over the apex of her thighs and he stilled. Her body was pulsing with pent up desire, she felt like she was going to burst. She wanted to burst. But Seth remained still.

  She waited. Not patiently. But she waited.

  She felt his uneven breathing against her cheek as he whispered, “You’re mine.”

  “Yes,” she moaned in agreement.

  He then started moving his hand with gentle authority over her sex, gliding his fingers up and down her pouty lips, applying the perfect amount of pressure to send shuddering tremors through her limbs. A feverish rush of urgency grew stronger and stronger with each pass of his rhythmic strokes.

  She lifted her hands from the sides of the tub and wrapped her fingers around his bulging biceps. She gripped him tightly. He continued his sensual assault, erotically caressing both her breast and core, sending her spiraling into bliss.

  Just as she felt her release building, he brushed his finger over her pleasure nub, sending shocks of intense and tingling spasms jerking through her. She dug her nails into his skin as she rode out the waves of pleasure crashing over her.

  As she came down from the peak of her cl
imax all she could think was – Best. Bath. Ever.


  Seth sat behind Amber as her body quivered with aftershocks, his own body screaming with suppressed arousal. It didn’t matter to him what his own body was saying, though - tonight was solely about Amber. His needs weren’t even secondary, they were non-existent.

  All that mattered was that she felt good. Safe. Protected.

  He felt her body slacken against his as she yawned, exhausted. He stood, picking her up and stepping out of the bath. Setting her down, he wrapped a large towel around her and began drying her off.

  As he looked into her eyes he saw that dark circles had formed beneath them. She needed rest.

  He quickly dried her off before picking her up again.

  She giggled as she nuzzled against his neck, “I’m not complaining, but you do know I can walk, right?”

  “Not tonight,” he said as he laid her down on his newly-acquired bed.

  Her eyes widened as her head spun to look beneath her. “You have a bed! When did you get a bed?”

  “Tonight,” he said as he laid down next her drawing her into his arms. She instantly snuggled up next to him, lying her head on his chest, and he knew this was exactly where she belonged. With him.

  “When did you have time to go buy a bed?” she asked her gorgeous hazel eyes looked up at him through long dark lashes.

  “I had Jason go pick it up.”

  She sighed contentedly, draping one long, toned leg over his thigh, “Thank you, Jason.”

  He rubbed his hand up and down the length of her spine and she began making soft purring sounds as she shifted her leg, pressing her moist center against his bare thigh. He swallowed a groan.

  Amber lifted her head up and rested her chin on her hand she said seriously, “And thank you, Seth - for bringing me here tonight, and the bath, and...everything.” A sadness laced her voice as she said, “I really didn’t want to go home tonight.”